Write a short summary (about 500 words in length) explaining how this issue is understood and approached by each of the following political ideologies:

Compiling your learning portfolio: what you have to do
This module teaches political theory, with a strong focus on different political schools of thought and where they come from. In order to best understand these political ideologies, this assessment asks you to think about a current political issue from each of these different perspectives. Linking political concepts to current affairs is how political theory becomes active and relevant to the real world.

Pick one current political issue that interests you from the list:• Climate change
• Law and order
• Abortion
• The Welfare State
• Brexit
• The Black Lives Matter movement
• The free market
• The COVID-19 crisis
• Religious schools
Write a short summary (about 500 words in length) explaining how this issue is understood and approached by each of the following political ideologies:

• Fascism
• Conservatism
• Liberalism
• Socialism
• Marxism
Each summary should cover:

• The basics of how this issue is understood by the ideology;
• Why it is seen that way – ie, what aspect of the ideology leads to that particular interpretation?
• Any controversies or disagreements amongst followers of the same – broadly speaking – ideology about the issue;
• Practical examples that illustrate your explanation, as recent as possible.
• Use the reading lists to help you research your summary each week, but also make sure you follow current news and political debates in the media.

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