How does each article relate to the chapter? Explain how it exemplifies or applies the chapter concept(s).

Unit 7 – Chapter 9 Current Event Article Assignment

Please read instructions carefully

Read Chapter 9 of course textbook and then take a look at the following 2 online articles.  Include the following in each response (Each response must be at least 100 words):

  • How does each article relate to the chapter? Explain how it exemplifies or applies the chapter concept(s).
  • Identify the concept referenced in each article
  • Explain how the concept is applied in the article
  • Responses should contain appropriate grammar, correct spelling and citations, and be relevant to the discussion topic. APA format.
  • Do not forget to include in-text citations.
  • Please discuss each article separately and how it relates the chapter, do not combine articles.
  • Make sure to use articles and textbook as only sources.

Online articles:





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