Explore a global social problem through a multimedia, documentary film project. Why do I ask you to do this? Well, art, such as documentary film, can impact the emotional, social, intellectual & spiritual well-being of people.

Most basically, this assignment asks you to explore a global social problem through a multimedia, documentary film project. Why do I ask you to do this? Well, art, such as documentary film, can impact the emotional, social, intellectual & spiritual well-being of people.  For example, music has informed such social movements as labor unionization and the US Civil Rights Movement.  This project gives you the opportunity to inform social change, raise awareness, tell a story, to polarize or unite, or whatever you deem appropriate to meet the assignment charges – in new ways .iii


Secondly, this method allows you to explore global social problems in new ways. In consideration of the above phenomena and our discussions of these issues in class, you must develop a mini documentary that demonstrates how you and your audience think about your thinking around the topic addressed. The essence of this exercise is to use a unique frame of reference – the film – to explore global social problems. To this end, you must identify a global social issue, analyze that issue, and offer an ethical consideration of the problem. To this end, you may also incorporate components of music, photography, words, speeches, video, visual art, etc – you are unlimited as long as you offer appropriate citation! The idea is that you are not going to cobble together other people’s work, but you are going to create work of your own. You might think of it as a “film collage.” That is to say that when an artist creates a collage, he/she might gather items created by other people and then change them and put them together in a unique way to advance the artist’s message. It is not unlike writing an essay. The author does not simply take material written by others and reuse it in the same way. Instead the author quotes or paraphrases (with appropriate citation) existing material but creates the majority of new material to advance the author’s message.

You must complete all of the following three requirements to score a C or better or the assignment – if you do not explicitly meet all of the assignment charges you will earn a failing mark on your work:

  1. You may take one of two approaches . . . .
  2. a) Evaluate how your personal philosophy on a social issue influences your perception
  3. b) or, evaluate more generally how a general educational mini documentary can enlighten the

     public on a social issue


  1. This project requires that you utilize and/or incorporate the following elements:
  2. a) Exploration of selected global social issue. This must involve a detailed, well researched

examination of a global social issue of your choice. What makes a social issue have global     

 impact? You must be able to show how your issues impacts society of three continents. YOUR

THESIS MUST BE OBVIOUS AND EXPLICIT – consider how you can use the documentary 

film platform to express your main idea, influence, and educate!

  1. b) Critical analysis of the global social problem.
  2. c) Offer a context for improvement of the identified problem. What are some possible ways to

make a positive impact or improve upon a problem? You must demonstrate advanced ethical     practice in this framework.

  1. d) Inclusive consideration of your issue – what does this problem mean in a global context?



  1. Support


-Incorporation of relevant information from our text

-Thoughtful and relevant research on the designated global social issue – make sure to employ a myriad of appropriate resources to do this credibly.

-Of course, YOU MUST credit all sources – this will be offered in a separate bibliography posted using the link in elearn.

Given my research, experience, and some additional questions you may want to consider the following questions as well – these may be explicitly addressed within the context of your project or may help you to think about the assignment objectives in more general terms:

i The meaning of music in the lives of older people: a qualitative study Psychology of Music, Vol. 33, No. 4, 437-451 (2005)


ii Music for Democracy movement. (http://www.musicfordemocracy.org/)

iii The Power of Music in The Nation, 23 December 2002. (http://www.thenation.com/doc/20030113/powers

  1. What is your motivation? What do you care about? WHY DOES YOUR PROJECT MATTER? What do you want to motivate others to do, educate about, influence others to care about? Use this opportunity to DO IT!
  2. How can you promote others to care – develop compassion/empathy through this assignment?
  3. Can documentary film be important in addressing global social movements?


Project specifications:



  • Must be between three to seven minutes long.
  • You may use any software you like – PowerPoint, I-Movie, Movie Maker, etc.
  • Make sure your project matters.
  • Posted using the link on elearn (150 points)


Written project proposal/reflection (around 1000 words) that addresses:

  • Why did you select your global social issue?
  • What is the thesis of your film?
  • Why/ how does your global social issue present an ethical conundrum?
  • Do you consider your film to be successful in meeting your thesis and why?
  • If you had to do it all over again what you would do differently?
  • Posted using the link on elearn (50 points)


  • Must include at least seven (7) resources of varying types
  • You may use the citation style you prefer
  • Posted using the link on elearn (50 points)


The project will be assessed using the communication, critical thinking, and ethical practice rubrics, a score of three is necessary to pass.


Outcomes Addressed: Liberal Learning Outcomes:

  1. Communication–the ability to effectively send and receive messages. The graduate writes effectively for a variety of audiences and purposes. Demonstrate at Advanced Level
  2. Critical Thinking–the process of reflection, reasoning and imagining, through which the individual willingly, systematically, and habitually examines and explores statements, problems, issues, beliefs, and social constraints. The graduate demonstrates these competencies at each level: (1) an attitude of intellectual inquiry; (2) information literacy; and (3) critical, analytical, and reflective thinking skills[metacognition]. Advanced Level (1 experience outside the major)
  3. Ethical Practice–the disposition to treat others with honesty, fairness, justice, integrity, and altruism within communities and areas of professional service. The graduate demonstrates these competencies at each level: (1) an understanding of their ethical beliefs and the ethical beliefs of others; (2) the ability to identify ethical conflicts; and (3) the ability to make ethical decisions. Advanced Level (1 experience)

Program Outcomes:

  1. Outcome C: The graduate articulates an understanding of, and engages in his or her global community.

Writing Rubric

  1. Demonstrates comprehension of focus and purpose: ■ Maintains strong purpose (e.g., inform, persuade, entertain, etc.) ■ Demonstrates keen awareness of audience ■ Strong sense of topic ■ Addresses assignment beyond expectation
  2. Demonstrates the ability to develop and support ideas: ■ Contains a wide variety of well- developed and supported ideas ■ Includes many specific and illustrative details relevant to topic
  3. Utilizes effective organizational methods: ■ Has a clear, effective and developed beginning, middle and end ■ Has highly-developed logical order ■ Includes sophisticated and smooth transitions among sentences and between paragraphs
  4. Demonstrates a quality style and voice: ■ Word choice is effective, vivid, and leaves a strong impression on the reader ■ Voice (i.e., tone, personality) is appropriate to assignment, purpose and audience and is consistent throughout writing ■ Varies sentence length and structure in a sophisticated way (rhythm, parallel structure, varied sentence beginnings, etc.)
  5. Utilizes standard, accepted conventions: ■ Uses standard English ■ Contains few or no errors in spelling and capitalization; mechanics (punctuation); and usage (e.g., proper verb tenses, subject/verb agreement, pronoun/antecedent agreement, etc.)


Speaking Rubric

Focus and Purpose – ■ Complex and sophisticated topic is eloquently articulated and clearly presented.
■ On multiple levels, the topic shows in-depth understanding of the purpose of the presentation. ■ Topic is skillfully and subtly woven throughout presentation.

Idea Development – ■ Complex and varied ideas reinforce purpose.
■ Organization of ideas reflects a sophisticated strategy of presentation.
■ Structure integrates purpose consistent manner.

Preparation for Audience or Group – ■ Topic is tailored specifically for the particular expectations of the audience.
■ Language integrates sensitivity and awareness of audience orientation. ■ Structure facilitates close relationship between audience and presenter.






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